
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday, Day 3 - At It

Today was a day that was somewhat similar in structure to the previous days, however we are really seeing progress in what we are doing.

The roof crew was able to finish much of the welding on the steel posts, finish all of the trusses, and get 75% of the ban board up. It is exciting to see the product of all of the hard work that is put into that. Sam and his crew began forming and pouring the bridge. That bridge will be such a blessing to all the people that live across the creek.

It is tough to say in words all of the hard work and sweat that goes into all of this construction, so I will let the pictures tell most of the story for the construction part.

We had hoped that the guys from our team would be able to visit Hilltop Juvenile detention center for teens, so 6 of our team went today to meet with the faculty. We found out that a letter must be submitted asking permission to come 3 months in advance. We will not be able to minister at the boys prison this trip. While the six of us were there the gate was under construction, so none of the boys were allowed outside for fear they would attempt to run. I personally was bummed that we weren't going to be able to interact personally with the guys. Then just as we were about to leave the chaplain asked us to come to a meeting with him and 15 other boys who had recently committed their life to Christ at a church service or revival. Each in our group was able to speak into their lives and encourage them. It was amazing.

On the ride back we stopped to a school and Mark jumped out with his guitar and just started playing. Children crowded all around. It was awesome as well.

Tonight everyone enjoyed dinner at the villas followed by a time of testimony and prayer outside.

The crew heading to the school tomorrow morning leaves at 5:45, and the Teen Challenge crew at 6:10

Keep us in prayer!

Now over to some folks for sports!

Kolby Dukes

The girls' team revisited the Windsor's Girls Home today. In preparation for the day, several girls worked to assemble craft items. And Ms. Linda personalized and hand painted vines on the 54 boxes that will be filled with treats and given to the girls tomorrow. Upon arrival we were once again faced with the men lurking at the gate. This time was handled differently ~ P-Rob and Greg jumped on the situation and spent over an hour ministering with them in the brush.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team was pleased wiith the greeting that was received from the girls. The excitement continued as we provided them with a day to be a "true girl" ~ workstations included -- jewelry making, fingernail painting & beautiful tissue paper flowers. Lauren Mahaffey was on a mission to lead a young lady to the Lord -- she used craft time to minister Coach Greg shared a wonderful message that especially touched the hearts of Brianna Thompson and Tori Swain. It encouraged them to lead another
one of the orphans to Christ. Another day of shedding light into the darkness.

Marcia Dukes, Pam McCutcheon, and Dana Holston

Today, we went to Iona High school, When we first arrived, Mark Briley stood on an outdoor stage and sang worship songs. There wasn't much enthusiasm at first, but when our group started performing dramas onstage, all of the students were listening intently. In the drama Thorns, I felt somewhat disheartened because students began laughing during the scene that Jesus (played by James Mohr) was being beaten. But when he was hung on the cross, they fell dead silent. Greg LaFreniere spoke afterward, explaining to the students how all have sinned, and would stand guilty before God. It was then that I really cried out to God, hoping that the message Greg was giving would impact them. I was glad to see that it did, for dozens raised their hands to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Then, the principal dismissed the students who had not raised their hands, and we had the opportunity to answer questions and pray with the remaining kids. Many students from the school stepped out and actually asked us deep questions regarding our faith. It was awesome to see how many students were impacted and how God brought them to the realization of what it truly means to have a relationship with Christ. It was truly a blessing, and it's a memory we will not soon forget.

Peter Gorgui


Kim Henry said...

The pictures and summaries are great! Everyone misses you and all is well here! And, Baby, its Cold Outside here!!!
Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, and Trey

Candi J said...

Wow! What a day you all had. I have been starting my mornings by seeing what you all have done the day before and it really lifts my spirits! Keep up the greatness for God that you are doing! (Thanks for calling me, Branson, it was great to hear your voice!)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jamaica ppl! Great pics Kolby.

Oh and if you get a chance-- tell John Hale, "Jaime says Hi!"

God Bless you all.

Reliance said...

Wow... the Lord is moving. Great pics. Thank you! If you can, tell Peyton Green that he is allowed to give us a call when he has time. We just want to encourage him and touch base. Thanks!

Rachel said...

The pictures really show all the opportunities for ministry that you have. Thank God for willing hearts - it's awesome to see the enthusuiasm of all the kids! You are still in our prayers -God will bless the work you are doing. (We love you, Wes!)

Pamela S said...

Sean and Tori,
I am so thankful for the pictures, to be able to see you both, is a blessing. Tori, I am so proud of you! I can not wait to hear all your wonderful stories when you get home. Stay safe!!! I love you both!!


JesusFreak91 said...

O praise God Praise God Praise God!!! You can just see how much He is working through all youguys down there and around the world! you are really being ammbassadors. Keep going strong ! your in my prayers Love ya Mom and Ralph
Always, Kate

christine said...

Hey Kolby the pictures are great it brought tears to our eyes to see William on stage talking with a microphone and William it was great to hear your voice last nite when you called I'm so proud of you get ready when you guys come home it has been so cold 10 degrees tonight God is looking over you all graciously It is awesome Love ya all!