
Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, Day 8 - The Last Full Day

An incredible day! Wow! The construction crew finished the roof, the students went to an infirmary, a hospital / nursing home to minister. The roof crew gained so much encouragement from one man who told Lee Thompson that he was very impressed and impacted that we would come down and allow God to work through our hands for free. The students went to the infirmary and visited with many lame and sick people. There was an incredible lady named Iris who had been a missionary to Jamaica and lost her vision due to diabetes. She really spoke into the lives of the students and prayed over our group as we prayed over her. The Holy Spirit fell in that place like none other. The students went around and washed the feet of each of the residents, and also served communion. Words cannot explain what happened at that place, but it was awesome. 

Everyone came back to Teen Challenge to finish up the afternoon. One group went under the bridge where the drug addicts and the prostitues live. This is a place that many Jamaicans say they would not go into. We went with food in hand and with a word in our heart. We were able to minister to them and hopefully bless them with our gifts. The roof ended fully covered with felt paper. 

At the end of the night we had our team wrap up meeting. Everyone on the team shared a quick testimony of what the trip had done for them. It is great to hear all of these testminoies. 

Kolby Dukes

1 comment:

Candi J said...

Well, you have had a fantastic trip. I can't wait to hear the testimonies. Hope you guys bring some heat home with you - it's COLD here!!! Can't wait for you guys to get back, things just aren't the same without you...