
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Day 2 - Our First Day of Work

This morning all of the students and several adults departed at 6:00 and took a two hour tour to the Higgins Primary School to do a few dramas that we had learned, and also Coach Greg shared with the students. We had a great time ministering to them. The students were very receptive and responsive. We appreciate the staff letting us come in.

The roof crew left shortly after the students, and began working. They had to cut the tile to make room for the steel brackets that are being made. By the end of the day, there were poles set. There was also a team working on building trusses. Several people went out just to see the surrounding community and get to talk with some of the guys that hang out just outside the gates of Teen Challenge.

Lunch consisted of some pizza pie from none other than Pizza King! And no not the Pizza King that most of us know and love dearly. mmm... Right, Blog, OK. Tonight everyone was treated to dinner at a local restaurant, BiBiBip’s. It is a nice little place on the water that served us all several things off a limited menu.

Once back at the villas we had a quick meeting where Chloe, Peter, and Tori all shared a quick testimony of how God is already working. We covered the details for the morrow and were given a few short minutes before the curfew called. Everyone was set to be in bed by 11:00, although I am still a cranking out on the porch here.

Tomorrow there is a crew going to a high school to do a few dramas, then we meet up with the crew that is working at Teen Challenge. There is a group of girls staying back to work on some crafts to take to the girl’s home. In the afternoon the women and girls will go back to visit the girls.

Keep us in your Prayers

Kolby Dukes

Below is a narrative of the events that took place at the girl's home today.

The ladies of our team travelled a trecherous road to the Windsor's School for Girls today. P-Rob felt a bit of uncertainty as we drove onto the property. Men were lurking outside the gate as we entered -- attempting to lure the girls out of the compound. As we passed through the gates P-Rob said, "my heart went into high alert". The Windsor girls were encouraging the attention of these men from the other side of the gate. Many of these girls surrounded our bus. We could tell by their appearance and actions that they have lived a life of darkness for many years. Before we unloaded from the bus, we prayed for God to be with us in the challenging moments ahead. In a remarkable way that will never be forgotten by our team members -- God's love showed thru our girls as Chloe, Lauren, Rebecca, Sarah, Tori and Jessica Stratten shared in song and testimonies. In a 2-hour period we were able to break thru the barriers with many of these lost souls. We prepared ourselves for the week ahead. Much to their surprise, we shared that we will be returning tomorrow.

Marcia Dukes, Dana Holston, and Pam McCutcheon


Kim Henry said...

Great to hear how God is using you to reach these girls! Ephesians 2:10. And thanks Kolby!!!

Candi J said...

I had Pizza King today - THE REAL PIZZA KING! Sorry for gloating... The womens home story gave me goosebumps. Everyone looks great. Even Branson WHO ISN'T WEARING HIS SLING! Keeping you in my prayers...

Keesha Troyer said...

Kolby...thanks so much for the updates! I think I can speak for many parents when I say we check this site a couple times a day! :) Sounds like God is moving through you all in a big way already, how exciting! Please tell Tyler & Ashtyn HI from their family!

christine said...

Hi William and everyone, sounds like God is shouting the Word on everyone that is awesome I see William has been working the way his shorts looks in one of the pictures William we love you and so proud for you to have this opportunity to go and help people less fortunate.Love,mom and dad

mv said...

Hey reba hope you are having fun and I miss you. I am praying for you. Love Emily M.

Hey Tyler hope you are having fun getting a tan. Praying for you. Emily M.

Lauren and reba, em pet says hey and she loves you!

Ashtyn baby it's Maggie I hope you are having fun. I love you can't wait to see you!

Kattie says hi to jeff and hope you are having fun.

Sarah my lovely little sister you got 8th place in the shot put in you track meet. Love meg

Kolby! Mr Vonhof say hi.

Big Mike meg, emily, Tara, Keina, Kattie, say hey!

chris redman said...

HI Claire! You are on our minds and everyone is asking about you. Friday AM it will be 10 degrees here so enjoy the island. We enjoy seeing the pics, Jamaica doesn't seem so far away. God bless everyone and the effort put into this experience! Hugz, Mom <3

Pam said...

I am so excited to see the pictures everyday! You guys are doing an amazing job there, what a blessing to the people to have you in their lives!! Justin we are so proud of you! Seeing you speak to the men at Teen Challenge was awesome, I am sure it touched many lives. Keep on doing what you are doing!!! It is COLD here so enjoy the sun!!:) Pam Isaacs